If you had an extra $37,000 lying around, what would you do with it? Would you save it? Would you pay off debt? Use it as part of a down payment on a home? Pay tuition or for your wedding? Would you buy a new car? Have a baby? Go on an elaborate vacation or shopping spree? We don’t know what you might do with an additional $37,000, but we think we know what you would not do with it; buy a braid that was cut off the head of a country music singer in the 80s.
That’s exactly what someone in Arizona just did, though. The name of the bidder is unknown, but someone spent $37,000 on a braid from Willie Nelson that was cut off in the 80s at an Arizona auction over the weekend. The braid came from Waylon Jennings, who received the braid from Johnny Cash as a favor at a party he threw when he was celebrating his sobriety. Really, it’s an interesting story how many people have been in possession of Willie Nelson’s old hair. It’s even more interesting that Johnny Cash couldn’t come up with a nicer party favor.
Nelson and Jennings knew one another, as they did collaborate on a few songs. The braid was auctioned this weekend along with approximately 2,000 other items from Jennings’ estate, but we don’t know if any of those other items included hair from other celebrities. It was thought that perhaps the braid would fetch a few dollars considering it did belong on the head of one of the most famous singers in country music history, but no one expected that the braid would sell for $37,000. Hopefully the new owner of the braid will step forward and explain why he or she would spend that much money on hair.
Photo by David Buchan/Getty Images